【VR】 3年3組の文化祭の模擬店は…ノーパン喫茶 私立のお嬢様○校の文化祭。毎年入場制限を設ける超人気の模擬店は『ノーパン喫茶』。教室中央に設置された勉強机タワーにノーパンの女子が登り、ドリンクを取りに行く様をローアングルでじっくり鑑賞!もちろんモロ見え…
[VR] The food stall at the school festival of Class 3-3 is... No Panties Cafe. The school festival of a private girls' school. The super popular food stall that has an admission limit every year is the "No Panties Cafe". Watch from a low angle as girls without panties climb the desk tower in the center of the classroom and go to get drinks! Of course, you can see everything...