胸糞注意 春の県大会に向けて主将として部活を頑張るマジメなジャージ彼女とラブラブ健全交際をしていたら県内最狂のDQN鰐口先輩に今度あの女連れて来いやと脅されて仕方無くDQNの溜まり場へ大事な彼女を連れていってしまった時の話です 河原かえで
Warning: This is a story of disgust. I was in a healthy, lovey-dovey relationship with my serious girlfriend who was working hard as the captain of the club in preparation for the spring prefectural tournament, when the most crazy delinquent in the prefecture, Waniguchi-senpai, threatened me to bring that girl over next time, so I had no choice but to take my precious girlfriend to the delinquent hangout. Kaede Kawahara