一般黒人男性×美脚CA ち○ぽが大きすぎて困っている日本在住の黒人男性が大手航空会社勤務のキャビンアテンダントにお悩み相談!日本人の短小ち○ぽよりもはるかに大きい海外サイズの黒デカち○ぽの登場に恥じらいながらも黒パンストに包まれたフライト帰りのムレたマ○コ…
Ordinary black man x beautiful legged flight attendant A black man living in Japan who is troubled by his oversized dick consults a cabin attendant working at a major airline! He is embarrassed by the appearance of a black huge dick of overseas size, which is much larger than the small dick of a Japanese man, but his sweaty pussy is wrapped in black pantyhose on the way back from the flight...