祐天寺の綾瀬は●か!!就活に苦戦する〝酒好き美人女子大生〟!!おばんざい屋(居酒屋)で働く彼女を落とす為、某グルメサイトのフリして取材を持ちこみ密着撮影!!数日かけて仲良くなった彼女をアフターに誘い込み、あの手この手で純粋無垢な隠れ巨乳をやっとの思いで落としてきました!!彼女自身も驚く程、何度も何度もイキまくる驚愕の乱れっぷりは正に〝必見〟です!!:カンバン娘 001
Ayase from Yutenji is *!! A beautiful college student who loves alcohol and is struggling with her job search!! In order to seduce her, who works at an Obanzai restaurant (Izakaya) , we pretended to be a certain gourmet site and brought in an interview to film her closely!! After getting to know her for a few days, we invited her out after work and finally managed to seduce her innocent hidden big breasts by using every trick in the book!! She even surprised herself by how she came over and over again in an amazingly wild way, which is a must-see!! : Kanban Girl 001