【VR】 「私がこんなにスケベなことみんなには内緒ですよ」普段とのギャップがスゴい!付き合いたての彼女は学級委員長!!超カワイイけど学校ではスゴく真面目でお堅いイメージ!どこか近寄り難い存在だけど、思い切って告白したら付き合えることに!!… めぐみちゃん
[VR] "I'm keeping it a secret from everyone that I'm such a pervert." The contrast with her usual self is amazing! When I first started dating her, she was the class representative! She's super cute, but at school she has a very serious and uptight image! She's a little hard to approach, but when I took the plunge and confessed, we started going out! ... Megumi-chan