先週末お隣りのご夫婦に誘われハイキング旅行に同行したのだが清々しい空気の自然に囲まれるなか急勾配の山道を登る隣人奥様のぱつぱつに食い込んだパン線浮きまくりのパンツルックのぷりけつをガン見しながら追っていたら申し訳ないと思いつつも… 久保麗子
Last weekend, I was invited by my neighbors to join them on a hiking trip. Surrounded by fresh air and nature, I found myself staring at the perky ass of the neighbor's wife as she climbed the steep mountain path. Her panties were tightly pressed together, showing her panty lines, and I felt bad for her... Reiko Kubo