「彼の事は愛してる、でも…これからする事を想像しただけでヌレてしまう…」Iカップ・現役看護師・22歳・千葉県君津市・プロダクション未所属 田舎暮らしの天然巨乳女性が素人のままSOFT ON DEMANDから4度目の出演 笹本ゆうさん(仮)結婚生活が始まる新居で婚約者が仕事…
"I love him, but... just thinking about what we're going to do to each other makes me wet..." I-cup, active nurse, 22 years old, Kimitsu City, Chiba Prefecture, not affiliated with any production company. A natural busty woman living in the countryside appears as an amateur for the fourth time on SOFT ON DEMAND. Yu Sasamoto (pseudonym) is starting her married life in a new house, but her fiance is working...