秋野千尋40歳 SOD卒業 離婚を機会に39歳でSOD専属デビューし、ファンの方々や、真性包茎の悩める男性達にも、優しく接してくれた、人の良い秋野さん。今回の作品でSOD卒業となってしまうわけですが、彼女の魅力を十二分に見てもらいたい、AVのお客様に知ってもらいたいと思い、40歳になった今、彼女の性格の良さと、熟れた身体を存分に楽しめる作品にしました。
Chihiro Akino, 40, graduates from SOD. After her divorce, she made her exclusive debut with SOD at the age of 39, and is a kind person who has always been kind to her fans and men suffering from phimosis. Although this film marks her graduation from SOD, we wanted her charms to be fully seen and for AV customers to know about her, so we made this film in which you can fully enjoy her good personality and ripe body now that she is 40 years old.