【VR】会社の飲み会終わりに突然の暴雨。後輩の宮本さんが泥●した僕をラブホに連れてってくれた。丁寧に介抱してくれる美人秘書の宮本さんは雨でびしょ濡れ、下着が透けて見える姿に漂うエロスの匂いに欲情して僕たちは、何度も下品なSEXをしたラブホで相部屋… 宮本留衣
[VR] A sudden downpour at the end of a company drinking party. My junior colleague Miyamoto-san took me to a love hotel after I got drunk. Miyamoto-san, the beautiful secretary who takes good care of me, was soaked from the rain. Her underwear was visible through the air, and her erotic scent made me lustful. We ended up sharing a room at the love hotel, where we had dirty sex many times... Miyamoto Rui