バツイチアラサー女子しかいないシェアハウスに男はボク1人だけ!2 彼女が欲しい!出会いを求めてボクが入居したシェアハウスは、バツイチのアラサー女子しかいないシェアハウスだった!しかし、離婚を経て恋愛にはまったく興味のない女子ばかり。しかし!しかし!…
I'm the only guy in a share house with divorced women in their 30s! 2 I want a girlfriend! I moved into a share house hoping to meet someone, but it turns out that the only people I see there are divorced women in their 30s! However, after getting divorced, they're all not interested in romance at all. But! But! ...