石原さ●み!!!?って誰もが共感するハズ…!!!似てるんです!!!マジでwwwそんな恵比寿で見つけた奇跡の終電シカト美女はな、な、なんと…!!!1日最低3回は自分のま●こをいじくり倒さないと寝れないっつー生粋の「異常性欲者」!!!そんな性癖をタダ酒かっ食らってぺしゃくりまくって、男優の家にみんなでウェーイっつってなだれ込んで、「石原さ●み」フェイスで朝までどエロ(エグ)過ぎるセックスしまくって、、マジでシリーズ1、2を争う撮れ高だった件!!!:朝までハシゴ酒 23 in 恵比寿駅周辺
Ishihara Sa*mi!!! Everyone can relate to that...!!! They look alike!!! Seriously lol. This beautiful woman who miraculously missed the last train and was found in Ebisu is, what, a born "abnormal sex drive" who can't sleep unless she plays with her pussy at least three times a day!!! She indulges in that kind of sexual inclination by drinking free alcohol and squealing like crazy, then they all storm into the actor's house, yelling "yay!", and having super erotic (gross) sex until the morning with her "Ishihara Sa*mi" face on, seriously the best footage of series 1 and 2!!!: Bar-hopping Until Morning 23 in the Ebisu Station Area