超絶美人のタクシードライバー!!!夜の新宿で見つけた、誰もが二度見必至の激レア美女!!!気合を見せるために自ら二種免許を取得し面接に挑んだと言う志(こころざし)激高なド真面目ドライバーはおもてなし精神の塊!!!急な取材にも嫌な顔一つせず、色々な業界あるあるスポットを案内してくれ正に完璧神対応…!!!可愛らしいし胸はおっきぃし、、本編見たら会いたくなる事間違いなし!!!新宿~渋谷~恵比寿辺りが彼女のエリアらしぃですよ:夜の巷を徘徊する〝激レア素人〟!! 10
A super beautiful taxi driver!!! A rare beauty found in Shinjuku at night, who is sure to make everyone take a second look!!! This ambitious and serious driver who got a class 2 driver's license and took on the interview to show his determination is the epitome of hospitality!!! He didn't show any signs of displeasure even during the sudden interview, and showed us various industry spots, just like a god!!! She's cute and has a big chest, so you'll definitely want to meet her after watching the main story!!! Her area seems to be around Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Ebisu: a rare amateur who wanders the streets at night!!! 10