ラグジュTV 1413 美人メイクアップアーティストが前回のセックスに魅了され再登場!クールな印象とは裏腹に自身をMタイプだと語る彼女…。イヤらしい男の指示に頬を染めつつ照れながらも従い、興奮と比例して敏感となった身体…。止めどない快楽に喘ぎ乱れる!
Luxury TV 1413 A beautiful makeup artist is back, fascinated by the sex she had last time! Contrary to her cool impression, she describes herself as an M type... She blushes and blushes as she follows the instructions of a dirty man, and her body becomes more sensitive in proportion to her excitement... She moans and writhes in endless pleasure!