皆大好きドS女フルボッコ!!原宿の街で、おっさんをチャリンコで引きずり回し高笑いする超絶ドSビッチ発見!!可愛い顔して中身は「鬼」の変態メンヘラ女王様を、業界随一の「ドMとドS」両面持ち男優とガチンコ対決!!:夜の巷を徘徊する「激レア素人」!! 29
Everyone loves a super sadistic woman who gets totally pounded!! We found a super sadistic bitch in Harajuku, dragging an old man around on her bike and laughing loudly!! A cute-faced, perverted, mentally unstable queen with a demonic personality goes head-to-head with the industry's best actor who is both a masochist and a sadist!! : A "super rare amateur" wandering the streets at night!! 29