「なんで旦那のSEX楽しくないんだろう…」奥さん、SEXはち●この大きさでも何でもない!愛ですよ愛!!!って事でボクと愛あるSEXしましょうよ、ね?笑。抱き心地○、最近ご無沙汰な様で性欲旺盛な埼玉妻。どエッろい長舌で俺の乳首とち●こを攻めてくる…こんなの我慢できないって…!! at 埼玉県草加市 草加駅前
"Why is my husband's sex not fun..." Dear wife, sex has nothing to do with the size of the penis! It's all about love!!! So let's have some loving sex, okay? Lol. A Saitama wife who is very cuddly and has a strong libido, but hasn't had sex in a while. She attacks my nipples and penis with her sexy long tongue...I can't stand this...!! At Soka Station, Soka City, Saitama Prefecture