胸糞注意 夫婦で一念発起35年ローンで中古のマンションを購入したのですが上階にお住まいのスーパーDQN武丸先輩と言う輩の騒音問題に耐え切れずふたりで溜まり場へ抗議に行ったら逆ギレされて妻をヤラれてしまった時の話です 水谷心音
Warning: This is a disgusting story. A couple decided to buy a used apartment with a 35-year loan, but they couldn't stand the noise problem from the super-DQN Takemaru-senpai living upstairs, so they went to his hangout to protest, but he got mad at them and raped my wife. This is the story of what happened when Mizutani Kokone