【VR】【8KVR】【機材一新!HHH-VR史上最高画質!】【超リアルな美麗映像!】ほぼハズレ無し!女子3人に男はボク1人のガチ超王様ゲームは勝ち確定!終電を逃した3人の後輩女子社員とボクの部屋で宅飲み!してたら王様ゲームをやる神展開へ! 2
[VR] [8KVR] [New equipment! The highest quality in HHH-VR history!] [Super realistic and beautiful images!] Almost no misses! I'm the only guy against three girls in this super King's Game, and I'm guaranteed to win! I'm drinking with three junior female employees who missed the last train in my room! Then we'll play King's Game! 2