マジ軟派、初撮。 1926 バイト帰りの学生をインタビューのフリしてナンパ!安藤●姫と眞鍋か●りを足して2で割ったような美人で愛嬌も良し!彼氏とケンカ中ですと?そんな鬱憤を晴らすかのように今だけは巨根に体を委ねて感じまくる!
Seriously easy going, first shoot. 1926 Picking up a student on her way home from work, pretending to interview her! She's a beautiful girl who's like a cross between Ando Hime and Manabe Kaori, and she's also very charming! Are you fighting with your boyfriend? As if to release your frustration, she gives herself over to a big dick and feels amazing!