「私ってバカな女かな?」証拠として効力がない隠し撮りレ●プ映像 ああ今日も犯●れる…。いつも男にいいように扱われ抵抗できない女が、さすがに嫌気がさし、いつでも証拠として提出できるよう、ある日自分が犯●れている様子を隠し撮り。しかしよく見てみると…
"Am I a stupid woman?" Hidden camera footage of rape that is ineffective as evidence. Oh, I'm going to be raped again today... A woman who is always treated like a fool by men and can't resist finally gets fed up, so one day she secretly films herself being raped so that she can present it as evidence at any time. But when she looks closely...