家まで送ってイイですか?case.228 銀座の女帝!一人7万円の高級寿司をペロリとほおばるイケジョ!彼氏は大体フランス人!コリドー街でジュテームと叫ぶ!⇒朝までベロチューイキまくり…愛と高級シャンパンのSEXランデブー⇒それなのにカッコいいカラダ!飲むと脱いじゃう!ダイナミックなセックスアピール⇒日本人なのにフランス仕込みの情熱イラマ!紳士なSEXはつまんない!ガンガン死ぬほど突いて欲しい!⇒愛人のプロが教える!都内で本当にウマい店TOP3
May I take you home? case.228 The Empress of Ginza! A hot girl who gobbles down high-end sushi that costs 70,000 yen per person! Most of her boyfriends are French! She shouts "je t'aime" in the Corridor Street! French kissing and orgasms until the morning... A sex rendezvous of love and high-end champagne And yet she has a great body! She takes off her clothes when she drinks! A dynamic sex appeal Although she's Japanese, she gives passionate deep throating lessons taught in the French! Gentlemanly sex is boring! I want to be pounded to death! A mistress professional teaches you! Top 3 really delicious places in Tokyo