【VR】 ひょんなことから3人の美人母娘の家に居候することになったボク。「ママとお姉ちゃんには内緒だよ」「妹とママには内緒だからね」「娘たちには絶対内緒よ」と近くに家族がいてもお構いなしに朝から晩まで毎日コソコソ抜かれまくるスリリングな毎日を送っています。
[VR] I ended up staying with three beautiful mothers and daughters. "Don't tell mom and sister," "Don't tell mom and sister," "Don't tell your sister and mom," "Don't tell your daughters," they told me. I spent my days in a thrilling state, sneaking around from morning till night, not caring that the rest of the family was nearby.