下ネタ屋台 新宿駅西口で引っ掛けたおつまみ娘三人目:蒼井麗奈 23歳。超絶美人の新米エステティシャン!!ヒーヒーの安月給をコツコツ溜め込む頑張り屋さんの、人には絶対言えないエロバナが酒の魔力でバンバン流出!!!元カレ(ド変態)に仕込まれた天井知らずのエロポテンシャルがガチで凄過ぎて、逆にこっちが喰われちゃいましたwww
The third girl we picked up at the west exit of Shinjuku Station from the dirty joke stand: Reina Aoi, 23 years old. An incredibly beautiful new beautician!! She's a hard worker who steadily saves up her tiny monthly salary, but the power of alcohol makes her leak out all the erotic stories she would never tell anyone!!! Her ex-boyfriend (a total pervert) instilled in her that have no limit to her erotic potential, and it was so amazing that she ended up eating us up instead lol