両親が旅行で不在中に幼馴染がやってきて「初めて彼氏ができたんだけど一回だけセックスの練習してくれない?」と コンドーム一個持ってきてお願いされた。一回だけと言ってたハズがチ○ポの快感に目覚めすぎてゴム無しで三日三晩中出しセックスしまくった 小野六花
While my parents were away on a trip, my *****hood friend came over and asked me, "I've just got my first boyfriend, can you practice sex with me just once?" She brought a condom and asked me. I said it would be just once, but I was so awakened to the pleasure of the dick that we had sex without a condom for three days and three nights. Rikka Ono