マジックミラー号ハードボイルド 神技エステティシャンのヌルヌル妙技で興奮した彼女さんを「膣内デトックスですよ」とダマして激ピス・マシンバイブ!人生初の激潮を吹きまくったあげく、最後は彼氏を裏切ってデカチン挿入を許してしまうのか?
Magic Mirror No. Hard-Boiled: A divine beautician's slippery technique gets her excited, and she is tricked into thinking it's a vaginal detox, and then she is fucked hard with a machine vibrator! After making her squirt for the first time in her life, will she betray her boyfriend and allow him to insert his huge dick?