【VR】 下着メーカーに就職したら、男はボク1人でまわりはスタイル抜群の巨乳女子社員だらけ!さらに下着姿を見せ合う夢のような光景がここでは当たり前!?我慢できず勃起したボクに女子社員はドン引き…すると思ったら、日頃の激務で欲求不満が抑えきれず下着を見せ…
[VR] I got a job at a lingerie manufacturer, and I'm the only guy there, surrounded by busty female employees with amazing bodies! What's more, the dreamy scene of us showing each other our underwear is commonplace here!? I couldn't help but get an erection, and the female employees were shocked...or so I thought, but they couldn't contain their frustration from their hard work and showed me their underwear...