僕だけが知ってるあの娘の存在…AV女優の美谷朱里が僕の会社に入社してきたので存在知らないフリして告白したらまさかのOK! 自宅に遊びに行ったら豹変して…「キミ、ワタシのコト知ってるよね?」何発射精しても寝かせてくれずに朝8時まで中出しされ続けた。
Only I know about that girl... AV actress Akari Mitani joined my company, so I pretended not to know her existence and confessed to her, and she said OK! When I went to her house to play, she changed completely... "You know me, right?" No matter how many times I ejaculated, she wouldn't let me sleep and kept cumming inside me until 8am.