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このパンチラは200%誘ってるよな?!いや、でも妹の友達だし・・・でもめっちゃ可愛いしエロいし・・・ 妹の友達が遊びにきたが妹は留守!なのに妹の友達は無邪気にパンチラ丸見え!「ヤバイ!これ以上二人きりでいたら・・・」と自分の部屋に逃げ込むも、よくよく考えて見たら、さっきのパンチラは明らかにボクの事を誘っていたんじゃ・・・?半分後悔しながら勃起チ〇コをさすってると、なんと妹の友達がボクのいる部屋に入ってきた!至近距離での執拗なボディタッチとあからさまなパンチラ攻撃!めちゃめちゃ可愛いしめっちゃエロくてソソられる!絶対誘ってるよな?いやでも妹の友達だし・・・いや、う~ん・・・こんなチャンスは二度とない!据え膳食わぬは男の恥!後悔するくらいなら男はやるべきだとブチ刺してやりました!!
This panty shot is 200% an invitation, right?! No, but it's my sister's friend... but it's super cute and sexy... My sister's friend came to play, but my sister wasn't there! But my sister's friend innocently showed me her panty shot! "Oh no! If we're alone any longer..." I thought, and ran to my room, but when I thought about it, the panty shot I saw earlier was clearly an invitation...? I was stroking my erect penis, half regretting it, when my sister's friend came into the room where I was! Persistent body touching at close range and obvious panty shot attack! It's super cute and super sexy and tempting! It's definitely an invitation, right? No, but it's my sister's friend... no, hmm... I'll never get another chance like this! It's a shame for a man not to eat the food that's set out for him! I told him that if he's going to regret it, he should do it! !