ネズミ講式非道の連鎖!下校中のお嬢様学校の女子○生!巻き添えレ●プ!2 「自分だけ不幸だと明日から学校行けないよね?嫌いな子をもっと酷い目に合わせちゃいなよ?」と、表面上は仲良しだけど、心の底ではクソ嫌いな‘自称親友’を呼び出させ首絞め!鬼イラマ!イカせ…
A pyramid scheme-style chain of iniquity! A girl student from a girls' school on her way home from school! ****d by collateral damage! 2 "If you're the only one who's unhappy, you can't go to school tomorrow, right? Why don't you make the girl you hate even worse?" On the surface, they're good friends, but deep down, they hate each other so much, so they call out their 'self-proclaimed best friend' and ******** her! Demonic deep throat! Make her cum...