検証ドキュメント もしも天海つばさが信頼している同郷の男にプロポーズされAV女優を辞めて一緒に地元に帰って結婚して欲しいと言われたらどうするか 天海つばさ 追跡日数86日スタッフ・関係者総勢42名涙あり笑いありエロありリアルヒューマンドラマ
Verification documentary: What would Tsubasa Amami do if a man from her hometown whom she trusted proposed to her and asked her to quit being an AV actress, go back to her hometown with him and get married? Tsubasa Amami. 86 days of tracking, 42 staff and related parties in total. Tears, laughter, eroticism, a real human drama.