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顔・胸・尻・脚フルコンプ美女!!でチョイ隠キャのオカルトマニア…!!都内の超有名な心霊物件をパシャパシャ×2でっかいカメラで撮り歩く、ある意味ド変態な彼女を連れてガチンコ心霊スポット巡り!!『八●子城跡』の雨でぬかるむ夜中の山道を、懸命に「デカ乳」揺らして「ぷりケツ」揺らして突き進む彼女の勇士は必見です!!…で、『(旧)小●先トンネル』では何かの気配に怯えだし、頻りに後ろを振り向く彼女…。の、ブルブル揺れるデカ乳がやっぱり必見…!!そしてその後の、『吊り橋効果』で心を許した彼女の乱れる姿は…ホントに嘘偽りないエロさでした…!!※稲●淳二さんに是非見て頂きたいです。:夜の巷を徘徊する「激レア素人」!! 28
A beautiful woman with a perfect face, chest, butt and legs!! And a bit of a recluse occult maniac...!! We take our girlfriend, who is a bit of a pervert, on a serious tour of haunted spots, taking pictures of super famous haunted places in Tokyo with two huge cameras!! You must see her brave warrior, shaking her big breasts and her firm buttocks as she pushes through the muddy mountain path at night in the rain at "Yatsuko Castle Ruins"!! ...And in " (Old) Ko*saki Tunnel", she starts to get scared of something and frequently looks back... Her shaking big breasts are a must-see!! And then, after that, she opens up her heart in the "suspension bridge effect" and becomes wild... It was really erotic without any lies...!! *I would like Ina* Junji to see this. : A "super rare amateur" wandering the streets at night!! 28
Provocative schoolgirl in see-through chair with her panties exposed