人気No.1売り子!!!終電終わりの新橋で見つけた絶対的美少女ギャル!!!トーキョーの変態彼氏(大阪にも彼氏あり)に会いに来たという超ノリ高めな彼女は、とにかく自分話が大好き♪趣味のスノボ話やら、彼氏(大阪に1人&東京に1人)に送る変態写メやら、高校時代に付き合ってた塾の教師との変態エピソードやら、喋る喋る下トーク!!!そんな上機嫌のヘベレケS級ギャルを、変態彼氏に喰われる前にガッツリ喰ったった件!!!:朝までハシゴ酒 21 in 新橋駅周辺
The most popular beer girl!!! An absolutely beautiful girl found in Shinbashi after the last train!!! She came to meet her pervert boyfriend in Tokyo (she also has a boyfriend in Osaka) and is super lively. She just loves to talk about herself She talks about her hobby of snowboarding, the perverted photos she sends to her boyfriends (one in Osaka and one in Tokyo) , perverted episodes with the cram school teacher she dated in high school, and more dirty talk!!! We got to eat this drunk S-class gal in a good mood before she got eaten by her pervert boyfriend!!!: Bar-hopping until dawn 21 in the area around Shinbashi Station