若き日の潮風の匂いが蘇る。小6の息子を持つ湘南のGカップ若ママ。 優木なお34歳 第2章 終わらない連続SEXで1年半ぶりの追い討ち絶頂体験 8時間後「まだ物足りない・・・」旦那と●供が寝ている家を抜け出しておかわり5P不倫
The smell of the sea breeze from my youth comes back to me. A young G-cup mother from Shonan with a 6th grade son. Nao Yuki, 34 years old. Chapter 2: A never-ending continuous SEX experience that brings about a climax for the first time in a year and a half. Eight hours later, "It's still not enough..." She sneaks out of the house while her husband and son are asleep and has another 5P affair.