【VR】 3年2組の文化祭の模擬店は…『ちょんの間』。私立のお嬢様○校の文化祭。ひときわ行列のできる大人気の模擬店は『ちょんの間』だった!しかも見た目だけではなく、サービス内容も実際の『ちょんの間』顔負けの超過激な模擬店で女子が全力ご奉仕!
[VR] The mock store at the school festival of class 3-2 is... a "brothel." A private girls' school's cultural festival. The most popular mock store with a line of people waiting is a "brothel"! And it's not just the appearance, the service content is also a real "brothel" and the girls are serving with all their might at this super-extreme mock store!