【VR】社内ではおっちょこちょいキャラだけど実はJカップ巨乳!さらにSEXが大好きな女子社員・日下部加奈とこっそり大恋愛しているボク!! 休日はまったり家でSEX!残業中は社内プレイ!さらに飲み会後には同僚の目を盗んで大胆SEX!シークレット社内恋愛体験VR!!
[VR] I'm a clumsy guy at work, but I actually have J-cup breasts! I'm secretly in love with Kana Kusakabe, a female coworker who loves sex! We have sex at home on the weekends! We play in the office during overtime! And after the drinking party, we have bold sex without our coworkers knowing! A secret office romance experience VR!