同じマンションのご近所奥さんと毎日玄関先で3分間キスだけ不倫してます。浮気だけは死守していたようですがやっぱりエスカレートしてしまい…。今までの我慢が解放され性欲モンスターと化し貪るように若い男の肉体を堪能する清楚美人妻 #03 ひかるさん
Every day, I have an affair with a neighbor in the same apartment building, kissing her for 3 minutes at the front door. It seems that she was trying to keep the affair to herself, but it escalated... The beautiful and pure wife 03 Hikaru-san is finally able to release all the restraint she's been holding back and become a sex monster, devouring the body of a young man.