羞恥!病棟配属前健康診断 立ち仕事でムチくなった尻と太ももをわし掴みにされ、尻穴・膣穴・体中の穴を好き放題に検査される看護コース卒業直後の新任ナースたち!院内感染は許さない! 咲野瑞希 酒井莉乃 月乃ルナ
Shame! New nurses who have just graduated from a nursing course are given a medical checkup before being assigned to a ward. Their buttocks and thighs, which have become firm from standing at work, are grabbed and their assholes, vaginas, and all other orifices in their bodies are inspected at will! No infections allowed in the hospital! Mizuki Sakino, Rino Sakai, Luna Tsukino