胸糞注意 婚約中の彼女と披露宴の式場手配をしていたら県内最強のカリスマDQN武丸先輩に見つかってしまって 今度結婚祝いやるから連れて来いやと脅されて仕方無くDQNの溜まり場に婚約中の彼女を連れていってしまった時の話です 愛華みれい
Warning: This is a story of disgust. When I was arranging the venue for my engagement and my engagement, I was found by the most charismatic delinquent in the prefecture, Takemaru-senpai. He threatened me and said he would give me a wedding gift, so I had to bring him over. I had no choice but to take my engagement to the delinquent's hangout. Aika Mirei