工事現場で働く俺のむさ苦しいアパートの隣にソソる理系メガネ女子大生が越してきた。肉体労働者でビンボーなオッサンの俺が初めて見るタイプの男で興味津々!?彼女たちの研究対象になった俺のチ○ポはじっくりと可愛がられ、たっぷり弄ばれ、熱心に研究し尽くされちゃいました! 仁美まどか あやね遥菜 並木あゆ
A sexy female college student with glasses moves in next door to my scruffy apartment where I work at a construction site. I'm a poor old manual laborer, but she's the first time I've ever seen a man like that, so I'm very interested! My dick became the subject of their research, and they lovingly pampered it, played with it, and studied it thoroughly! Madoka Hitomi, Haruna Ayane, Ayu Namiki